What Are The Common Problems Of The Chimneys Of Old Houses

What Are The Common Problems Of The Chimneys Of Old Houses

What Are The Common Problems Of The Chimneys Of Old Houses

  1. They are Mostly Missing Lining

Ask any chimney leak repair company and they will tell you that If the house you live in was constructed 4 to 5 decades ago, there is a likely chance that it is missing lining in the chimney. No linings mean there is a likely chance of noxious gases leaking in to the living space, every time the fireplace is used. They also present a problem with the condensation of gases, causing creosote and tar formations on the insides of the chimney.

  1. You Have a Block Chimney

While block chimneys do fulfill their purpose, many chimney contractors are of the opinion that these chimneys are very prone to leaking, cracking and leaning. If your house has a block chimney built directly against it, there is a likely chance that the chimney is probably illegal. However, if you do not wish to tear it down, hire a chimney contractor to cover it up with bricks from all sides so that it meets all the legal codes and safety requirements and gets the clearance.

  1. The Classic Brick and Mortar Chimney

Depending on how old the construction of your house is, the old brick and mortar chimneys have problems that are entirely exclusive to them. But more often than not, their most common problem lies in the bricks used to construct them. If you have had your brick and mortar chimney repaired in the last couple of years, you may notice many of the bricks popping off a little. This is mostly because of the way modern new bricks are fired. If you notice the bricks popping off quite often, hire a chimney leak repair company to fix the chimney with bricks fired the same way as the bricks from the original construction.

  1. The Shift in the Ground

Nature does some amazing things that our minds cannot comprehend. One such feat of nature includes slight movement in the ground every couple of years. If your house is a couple of years old, you may notice the appearance of certain cracks and stresses out of nowhere. While our houses are somewhat elastic, there are times when a shift in the ground can take its toll on an old site. This is something that doesn’t only affect the chimneys but the overall construction of the house. It is something that can easily be mended though, with the help of a reliable chimney contractor.

  1. Degradation in the Chimney Due to Weather

While we are on the topic of nature, let’s talk a little about rain, wind and the sun. Old houses with chimneys made out of mortar and masonry work are bound to be hit and sustain damage from the weather. No matter the type of cement concoction used during the construction of the chimney, it cannot last the test of time and the attack of the weather. As the mortar starts to wear out, you may need to either rebuild the chimney or at least have to get it re-pointed.

  1. Old Chimneys Soak Up Water

The classic style brick chimneys can soak up rain water. This in itself may not be a problem if the chimney of your house is located on a side that has exposure to sunlight and wind as they can help the bricks dry off. Otherwise, this can present a serious threat in the winters as the water held by the bricks can freeze up. This is however, visually noticeable and can be avoided by water proofing your chimneys. Just remember to have it done before the season starts or it may be too late.

  1. The Missing Crown (Or Not)

Most of the old homes do not carry crowns over their chimneys. Just so you know, it is the top part that is made out of cement and is used to hold off the rain water from entering the structure. The crown has the most exposure to sunlight, rain water and wind that is why they are mostly cracked. If the chimney of your house is completely lacking the crown, it is better to have one made and affixed. Or if you have one but it is in really bad condition (which it probably is), reach out to a professional chimney contractors annapolis to have it re-coated and re-laid.

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