How To Prepare For A Sleep Study And What To Expect
A sleep study is a test which is performed on you, if or when you are suffering from a sleep disorder. It is used to diagnose the type of sleep disorder based on the reactions and movements of your body parts and the activity of the brain usually performed in a sleep clinic Chevy Chase MD. Here is an in-depth detail about a sleep study.
What Is A Sleep Study?
A sleep study, also known as a polysomnography, is a type of diagnostic test which is done on people who are suffering from a sleep disorder or are unable to sleep properly for some time. It is different from other diagnostic tests, because in a polysomnography, you have to spend one night in a sleep center at a hospital.
A sleep center is basically a big bedroom with a lot of sensors and monitors. There are a number of sleep technicians there as well, which help to monitor your body and brain activity while you sleep. You have to sleep in this sleep center for a night, where the technicians will hook you up with some wires and sensors, to make sure that they can monitor your heart rate, eye movements, brain activity, blood oxygen levels, etc. while you sleep.
This test or study is talked about first with a doctor, who has to identify the sleeping disorder you are suffering from. The sleep study will hopefully give a promising result and will diagnose what type of disorder you are suffering from.
How To Prepare For A Sleep Study?
Some things you have to take care of before heading into a polysomnography or sleep study are.
Don’t consume alcohol or caffeine before the sleep study. Caffeine tends to cause sleep disruption and it can mess with the body and brain activities too, which will cause a huge hindrance in finding out the issue which is preventing you from falling asleep at night. So, it is best if you don’t eat or drink anything which will keep you up all night.
There may be some medications that you have to stop some days prior to a sleep study. You need to consult with your doctor first about what medications you are currently on, and if you need to stop taking them before a polysomnography or not.
Don’t take any sleeping pills or drugs to induce sleep otherwise the results can be disrupted and incorrect.
What To Expect From A Sleep Study?
Here are some things that you need to know about polysomnography.
The Result Takes Some Time
A polysomnography is capable of diagnosing disorders like sleep apnea, hypersomnia, insomnia, sleep walking, etc. The results generally take about 3 to 4 weeks to come in and they are handed to your doctor. The doctor takes a look at the results and then a proper diagnosis is presented. After that, a treatment plan will be prescribed to you.
You Will Be Attached To A Lot Of Sensors
A sleep study is generally a very comfortable test, but some people are bothered by the fact that a lot of things will be attached to you while you sleep. For example, a lot of clamps, sensors and wires are attached to your body to monitor the body and brain activities throughout your sleep, and some people can feel claustrophobic by this. But this is not uncomfortable at all.
What Is Monitored During A Sleep Study?
You need to know the general things which will be monitored during a sleep study. Your brain activity is monitored around the clock. Some minute things like blood oxygen levels, heart rate, pulse, breathing rhythm, eye movements, limb movements, jolts, jerks, breathing pause duration, etc. are also noted to make a thorough diagnosis. These things are important to monitor because the indication of disruption in any of these things, can lead to a diagnosis of a potential sleep disorder you might be suffering from.
A sleep study is a great way to find out if you are suffering from a sleeping disorder or not. It takes a bit of time to prepare for it and now you know what to expect from it. Find a sleep center Chevy Chase to have your sleep disorder diagnosed.