Some basic information about occupational therapy

Some basic information about occupational therapy

Some basic information about occupational therapy

Some people find it difficult to lead productive and satisfying life as a result of physical, social or developmental problems. Occupational therapist helps such people to overcome such difficulties through therapeutic methods and prevent any disabilities to be shown by such people. Helping children who find it difficult to participate in daily activities of the school is an example of occupational therapy.  Providing support for older people who find it difficult to adapt to physical and cognitive changes is also an example of occupational therapy.  Occupational science studies how different activities help people to achieve social and occupational needs.

Occupational therapists help people in carrying out their day to day activities like eating dressing, etc. Such therapists help changing some of the things that limit the individual’s ability to do certain tasks. Those include the environment, the person’s skills to do a task or the task itself. Occupational therapists are capable of working with patients who are suffering in their daily life as a result of emotional problems or mental illness.

Where do they work?

They work in different settings like hospitals, nursing centers, rehabilitation centers, school systems, home health, outpatient clinics etc. The numbers of places where they work are increasing year after year and now prisons, community settings, etc are also benefitted by their services.

Children and young people

Occupational therapy is very much useful in developing the infants and young people as they grow up. It helps them to have fun, get them socialized and to play and develop and reach their full potential.  Daily life of a person is made up of many occupations, like self care, being productive or engaging in hobbies and playing with friends.

People with physical problems

People with physical disability including any amputation undergone, are helped to pursue their hobbies and activities. It helps people to:

  • Function at optimal level overcoming the barriers,
  • Activities of persons are modified to make them easier and achievable.
  • Clients are allowed to feel themselves about their needs and achievements and encouraged to change their social environment so that best results can be achieved reducing the restrictions.

People with learning disabilities

People with learning disabilities are supported by occupational therapist to:

  • Work with families and workers so that they realize the importance and enjoy the act of taking part in everyday activities like cooking etc
  • Help such people to live independently as far as possible.
  • Encourage traveling with other people with disabilities so that they understand how to access community facilities.
  • Support them in developing parenting skills.

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