How to manage customer reviews efficiently

How to manage customer reviews efficiently

How to manage customer reviews efficiently

For a new business, managing online reviews can seem a little confusing. In order to manage online customer reviews, you need to be able to track them using a review management system. Popular review sites should be your first priority. If you join them, they will send you an alert each time someone reviews your business. Google alert also notifies you each time your business is mentioned somewhere. These are just some of the ways you can keep track of your customer reviews.

Tips to manage online reviews

There are various ways you can manage online reviews. If you follow these tips, you will easily be able to manage the reviews.

Reply to positive customer reviews

While it may seem like a small thing, it counts as a lot. Customers are more attracted to a business when they know they are being listened to. This is why interaction in any business is very important. One way to ensure the customers that they are heard is through replying to their positive reviews. Tell them that their compliments are appreciated. You can respond both publicly and privately.

It is your choice to decide whether you reply to every single positive review or just a few that you like. However, in the start, replying to every single review may be better. Do not force your customers into reviewing again next time, or into buying something else that you are offering.

A simple ‘thank you’ or a small appreciative comment will do just fine. Provide different platforms to your customers where they can leave reviews for your business. Different pages such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram, your personal website etc. are a few examples. Reply to the reviews on all the given pages so that your customers know you are actively interacting with them on every platform you provided. Keep your customers engagement high as that will keep your business active and flourishing.

Respond to negative reviews

Responding to positive reviews is easy. All you have to do is say thank you or write a small, heartfelt appreciative reply. The real trick comes in when you have to reply to negative reviews. A lot of people think replying to negative reviews or getting negative reviews at all will scare their customers away. The truth is that every business gets a few negative reviews, especially in the start. That is how you learn.

The trick is to understand your mistakes and try to improve your business. While responding to negative reviews, do not try to act defensive or completely negate the customer’s experience. Instead, write a small apologetic reply to tell your customers that you accept your mistake and that you are there for them. This will build your customer’s trust. Be polite and solve the customer’s problem privately. Once solved, respond to the review publicly too to acknowledge that the issue has been resolved.

Be aware of the site’s rules

Every customer review site has certain rules that you need to follow in order to be able to use it. In case of breaking any rules, your responses will not be published. If they are published, it will reflect badly on your business. Read the rules carefully. Most of them include rules like profanity, no personal attacks, breach of privacy etc. Each site’s rules might differ slightly so make sure you are aware of all the rules and respond accordingly.


Managing online customer reviews is not hard, but only requires a few tactics that help you deal with it. Among these, use of a review management software is of paramount importance. Research more on how you can promote your business further without pressurizing your customers into constantly reviewing it. By following these tips, you will be able to manage online reviews easily.


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