How to break the news of a divorce to your partner?
Okay, so you’re done with your failing relationship and have decided to seek a divorce. Chances are that you are already looking for suitable divorce lawyers. However, even though you are sure about it, you do not know how to initiate the divorce conversation with your spouse. Indeed, the divorce talk is something that every couple keeps on delaying.
Telling your spouse that you want to call it quits is one of the most difficult aspects of filing divorce. In fact, it also induces anxiety. As a result of which, couples often continue to live in toxic relationships for years. Ultimately, it takes a toll on their mental health.
Breaking the news to your spouse
Well, there is no single definite way that you can use to let your spouse know about your decision. However, in order to let the conversation flow smoothly, there are a number of tips that you can use. These include:
Be very honest with yourself
This is literally the first thing that you need to do, before you decide to tell your husband about your decision. Is divorce something that you are really looking forward to? In case your answer to this question is “maybe” then you need to consider again. If your answer is “definitely, yes!” then perhaps you can take things forward.
Often at times, we end up getting swayed by our negative emotions which simply leads us nowhere. In fact, it results in bad decisions followed by regrets. Many people end up with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, due to strong regrets regarding a divorce.
Unless you are sure that you will not have any regrets whatsoever, consider putting your decision on hold!
Understand the emotional condition of your spouse
Now that you have decided to break the news, you need to understanding where your spouse stands emotionally. This will shape up the way you will approach the topic.
While you try to figure that out, you could also work with a couple counselor who could help you both in sorting out your feelings. This could prepare you both for the not so pleasant divorce conversation that’s coming ahead.
In fact, couple counselors are quite helpful as they can also prepare you and help you in practicing what you have to say. This way, you will end up being more confident.
Choose a good place and time to break the news
Remember that your spouse may not react positively to your decision. Hence, you need to wait for a better time to break the news. Is your child’s birthday just around the corner? If yes, you would want to delay it as a conversation about divorce is bound to ruin it.
So think about when and where the conversation has to take place. When you have planned it all out, consider dropping your children off to a friend or relative. This is because the environment often gets a little tense after a divorce conversation. And you would not certainly want your children to get affected by that!
Be ready to get a negative reaction
Your spouse is likely to react negatively to your decision, at least at first. With time, however, he/she may realize that it was for good indeed. So try to keep yourself calm, and help your partner in dealing with his/her overwhelming initial emotions.
Ending note
Even before you have talked about it with your spouse, start looking for family lawyers Fairfax VA. With the help of an attorney, you will be able to ensure that you and your children get all their rights. This step is quite crucial, as it may also decide who gets the custody of the children. So plan out well beforehand!