Deck Vs Patio – Which One Is Better?

Deck Vs Patio – Which One Is Better?

Deck Vs Patio – Which One Is Better?

A deck is an open outdoor porch. A patio is a paved area on the ground, which may or may not be attached with the house. You might be getting different recommendations from your friends and family members. But before hiring a masonry or patio contractor, we recommend you to read the following article and get to decide what you want for your house.


A deck has a high resale value. If built by finest masonry contractors, on average a return of 87% is observed, when it is sold. It is good for a view and works very well on uneven terrain. For an uneven surface, installation of deck is recommended.

Being customizable in nature, it can be painted in any color or shade, the homeowner wants it to be. You can even choose the matching colors of your home to give a deck, a more personal touch.

One of the greatest benefits, a deck has to offer is that it unaffected by heat. In places where lots of sunshine is observed, setting up a deck is recommended by masons, as it absorbs most of sunshine and retains very less amount of heat.

While a deck may sound “too good to be true”, it does come with a little catch. It is expensive than a patio and has a shorter lifespan because wood can rot overtime. Depending where you live, some places require a permit before constructing a deck. Depending on the nature of materials used inside the making, decks need to be power washed and sealed after two years.


A patio is much cost efficient than a normal deck. At about five dollars a square foot, concrete is usually the least expensive option in the making of a patio. The credit of easy maintenance goes to patios. You may choose to seal, in order to preserve but really, there’s no need for it. The sturdy concrete and durable stone patios are extremely durable.

Patios have a long span. If well maintained, they can last easily up to 25 years. They offer more privacy because patios are lower to ground. Comparing them with decks, one doesn’t need a permit to allow the construction of patio in their homes.

The downside of assembling a patio is that patios are optimized for even terrains. If your house is uneven, you would first need to level the foundation, which comes at a very high price. If the concrete is not properly prepared, there is a potential risk of patio cracks. In areas where the weather remains cold, ice can form on top of patios and there’s a risk of falling down and hurting someone. More construction is needed by patio constructors to install a patio, particularly in places where there is levelling to be done.

In any case, it is best to consult with professional masonry contractors long island. According to your needs and according to your pocket, they will survey the house and give you the fair estimate in terms of what should be installed in your house, which would enhance its looks.

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